
Friday 12 June 2015

Pengenalan Management Proyek

Tahun 1995 Standish Group study (CHAOS) menemukan bahwa hanya 16.2% of IT projects yang sukses and over 31% dibatalkan sebelum selesai , kerugian mencapai lebih dari $81 B in the U.S.alone. Kebutuhan akan IT projects terus bertambah In 1998, beberapa perusahaan di amerika membagikan 200,000 proyek pengembangan aplikasi baru In 2000, there were 300,000 new IT projects, and In 2001, over 500,000 new IT projects were started
Keuntungan Menggunakan Formal Project Management
Ø  Better control of keuangan, fisik, and SDM
Ø  Meningkatkan customer relations
Ø  Waktu Pengembangan lebih pendek
Ø  Harga Lebih murah
Ø  Higher quality and meningkatkan kepercayaan
Ø  Higher profit margins
Ø  Improved productivity
Ø  Better internal coordination
Ø  Moral pekerja bertambah baik
What Is a Project?
project adalah  sesuatu yang  diusahakan sementara untuk menyelesaikan tujuan yang unik/banyak
Attributes of projects
Ø  Tujuan yg unik
Ø  Sementara
Ø  Membutuhkan  resources, often from various areas
Ø  Harus mempunyai primary sponsor and/or customer
Ø  Melibatkan sesuatu yang tidak tentu
Ø  Samples of IT Projects
Northwest Airlines developed a new reservation system called ResNet (see chapters 11-16). Many organizations upgrade hardware, software, and networks via projects (see chapter 5 opening and closing case). Organizations develop new software or enhance existing systems to perform many business functions (see examples throughout the text).
Note:  “IT projects” refers to projects involving hardware, software, and networks

Tiap Proyek dibatasi oleh cara yang berbeda, masing masing adalah :
Ø  Scope goals:  What is the project trying to accomplish?
Ø  Time goals:  How long should it take to complete?
Ø  Cost goals:  What should it cost?
tugas seorang project manager’s untuk menyinergikan tiga tujuan ini yang saling bersaing
Ø  Figure 1-1. The Triple Constraint of Project Management
Ø  The 2001 Standish Group Report Showed Decided Improvement in IT Project Success Rates From the 1995 Study
Ø  Time overruns significantly decreased to 63% compared to 222%
Ø  Cost overruns were down to 45% compared to 189%
Ø  Required features and functions were up to 67% compared to 61%
Ø  78,000 U.S. projects were successful compared to 28,000
Ø  28% of IT projects succeeded compared to 16%
Ada apa dengan perbaikan?
  “Alasan yang meningkatkan sukses dalam proyek yang bermacam macam.  pertama, Rata rata biaya dari suatu proyek telah terpenuhi.  Better tools have been created to monitor and control progress and better skilled project managers with better management processes are being used.  The fact that there are processes is significant in itself.“*
    The Standish Group, "CHAOS 2001: A Recipe for Success" (2001)
What is Project Management?
   Project management is “ application dari knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques untuk suatu aktifitas proyek  dalam memenuhi suatu kebutuhan standart akan proyek itu” (PMI*, Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), 2000, p. 6)
Ø  Figure 1-2. Project Management Framework
Ø  Project Stakeholders
Ø  Stakeholders adalah orang yang terlibat atau mempunyai pengaruh dalam  project activities
Stakeholders meliputi :
o   the project sponsor and project team
o   support staff
o   customers
o   users
o   suppliers
o   opponents to the project
Dengan kata lain stakeholder :
   seseorang yang terlibat pada sistem informasi ( usulan yang ada ). Stakeholder dapat berupa orang teknis atau nonteknis dan berasal dari lingkungan internal atau eksternal oraganisasi.
9 Project Management Knowledge Areas
Knowledge areas mendeskripsikan kunci dari  kompetensi bagi project managers untuk dikembangkan
# 4 dasar knowledge areas yang harus ada dalam objektifitas setiap proyek (scope, time, cost, and quality)
# 4 knowledge area yang memudahkan objektifitas proyek untuk dicapai (human resources, communication, risk, and procurement management
# 1 knowledge area (project integration management) yang berpengaruh dan berakibat pada semua other knowledge areas
# Project Management Tools and Techniques
Project management tools and techniques assist project managers and their teams in various aspects of project management
Some specific ones include :
-          Project Charter and WBS (scope)
-          Gantt charts, network diagrams, critical path analysis, critical chain scheduling (time)
-          Cost estimates and earned value management (cost)
-          Sample WBS for Intranet Project in Chart Form
More Advantages of Project Management*
Ø  Bosses, customers, and other stakeholders tidak menyukai kejutan
Ø  Good project management (PM) memberikan jaminan and reduces risk
Ø  PM memberikan  peralatan and lingkungan to plan, monitor, track, and manage schedules, resources, costs, and quality
Ø  PM memberikan a history or metrics base for future planning as well as good documentation
Ø  Project members learn and grow by working in a cross-functional team environment
*Knutson, Joan, PM Network, December 1997, p. 13
However, project managers must also have knowledge and experience in
o   general management
o   the application area of the project
Three main categories of tools:
o   Low-end tools: Handle single or smaller projects well, cost under $200 per user
o   Midrange tools:  Handle multiple projects and users, cost $200-500 per user, Project 2000 most popular
o   High-end tools:  Also called enterprise project management software, often licensed on a per-user basis
You Can Apply Project Management to Many Areas .Project management applies to work as well as personal projects.Project management applies to many different disciplines (IT, construction, finance, sports, event planning, etc.) Project management skills can help in everyday life


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